Friday, October 8, 2010

Living The Dream!

Wow! It has been a long time since I've been on here to post a blog.

Just an update on me and the family. Let me start of by saying, "we are living the dream". It has been 1 year now since we've move to St. Louis and almost 2 years at SOS. I am very thankful that we were obedient to what God wanted for us. Sometimes it's hard to see that because we are still in the mode of transition.

We have been renting and that's tuff! We have owned our own home for 14 years and then we go to renting. Sometimes we often ask ourselves, "is this what it's going to be like?" Sometimes we put all of our success and security in our homes or things. One thing Erin and I have learn is that it's not about that. The reason I say we our living the dream is because we have a great church that we are apart of. We have great friends all around us. We have good jobs that are very flexible. We are all very healthy. All of our kids LOVE church and where we are. It doesn't get much better than that. This home, car and things we have and do are so temporary.

Our kids have had to change schools twice in the last 2 years. They have made great adjustments in doing this. They definitely like the last school better than this one and so do we. But they understand the bigger picture. All and all, things are great.

I will begin to write more and share thoughts on other things as time goes.